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 初一学法集锦 第二讲 英语 听力 指导 北京四中 孙玲 I. Daily practice i. English songs 1) Fill in the blanks: La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La I’m _____ on a star

 And trying to believe

 That even though it’s far

 He’ll find me _____ _____

 I guess that Santa’s busy

 Cause he’s never come around

 I think of him

 When Christmas comes to town

 The best time of the year

 When everyone comes home

 With all this Christmas _____

 It’s hard to be alone

 Putting up the Christmas tree

 With friends who come around

 It’s so much _____

 When Christmas comes to town

 Presents for the children

  _____ in red and green

 All the things I’ve heard about

 But never really seen

 No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve

 Hoping Santa’s on his way

 When Santa’s sleigh bells ring

 I listen all around

 The herald _____ sing

 I never hear a sound

 And all the dreams of children

 Once lost will all be found

 That’s all I want when Christmas comes to town

 That’s all I want when Christmas comes to town 参考答案

 wishing, Christmas Eve, cheer, fun, wrapped, angels

 2) How to listen to English songs 1. Try to understand what the song is about

 2. Try to remember words or sentences that attract you

 3. Try all means to make the English songs your friend when you feel lonely or upset 3) What should you do while you listen? 1. Focus your mind 2. Get main idea (1st time) 3. Write down key words (2nd time) 4. Write down complete forms (3rd time) ii. Listening practice materials 1) 四中网校听力训练 2) 空中英语教室 3) 新概念英语 请写出下列单词或 短语的汉语意思:

 1) ancient Egypt _________ 2) the Pyramids _________ 3) canoe n. _________ 4) Amazon _________ 5) rain forest

 _________ 6) challenge

 _________ 参考答案

 1) 古埃及 2) 金字塔 3) 独木舟 4) 亚马逊河 5) 雨林 6) 挑战 Some listening materials: BOY: I’ve been interested in ancient Egypt since I was small. There’s something exciting about the country. I’ve got lots of books on Egypt and a couple of videos. Of course, I’d really love to go there. I’ve always dreamed of seeing the Pyramids. They look really great in photos. GIRL: The first time I got into a canoe was when I was about eight. But my dream is to go down the Amazon. It wouldn’t be easy, but I think it’d be a real challenge. And just think of all the things you would see — the rain forest, the wildlife, small villages.

 iii. English movies / TV series iv. English news(VOA/ CCTV 9/ BBC/ FM 91.5) 你认识这些单词吗?请写出它们的汉语意思:

 1) authorities _________________

  2) ban _________________

 3) bomb _________________

 4) budget _________________

  5) election _________________

 6) embassy _________________

  7) victim _________________

  8) violence _________________


 1) 当局 2) 禁止 3) 炸弹;v. 轰炸

 4) 预算 5) 选举 6) 大使馆 7) 受害者 8) 暴力

 II. Test strategies

 A. 英语听力答题技巧 1. 全神贯注,切忌焦躁。

 2. 迅速浏览,找到每道题目的题眼,区别各选项间的差别,同时预测试 题,大胆猜测。

 当你听 到这些词语 时 ,你能猜出对话可能发生 的 地 点 吗? 1) lecture,paper,exam,grades,playground,teacher. _____________________________________________________________ 2) menu,soup,drink,order,bill. _____________________________________________________________ 3) train,time table,take off,passenger,flight. _____________________________________________________________ 4) parcel,package,stamp,postage. _____________________________________________________________ 参考答案:

 1) school

  2) restaurant

 3) airport

 4) post office 3. 提取关键信息,重视全文理解。

 比如注意否定情况:听力测试中应区别谈话者对某件事某个看法的态 度是同意还是拒绝;是肯定还是否定。

 a. I don’t think he is…

 b. The problem was not uncommon for a young man away from home.

  (common) 注意连词用法:but、although、though、even、even though、in spite of、unless、on the contrary、instead of 等。

 4. 在做长对话题时,对填入的词要考虑语境、大小写、单复数、时态等因素。


 5. 关键信息随手记下,以免忘记。对听到的数字,如年代、年龄、人数等。

 The long distance bus from Jinan to Qingdao usually takes 4 hours,but yesterday it took me two hours more because of the heavy traffic. Q:How long did it take him to get to Qingdao yesterday? 参考答案:six more hours B. 听力高分策略 平日功夫是关键, 保证输入收益大。

 考场技巧要记牢, 不慌不乱拿满分。


