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发布时间:2020-10-16 17:38:01 浏览数:

  越来越多的名校,例如:Indiana University, Bloomington, UC Berkeley, Harvard, Northwestern, Washington University都会根据不同系别,而要求在台面试。如果学校要求需要面试,那么请你打开月历,拿起电话向当地联络人要求预约面谈时间。面谈的重点是表现出自己无法经由纸张书面所看得出来的热心、兴趣、特别才能、口才、表达沟通能力、想像力、创造力及组织判断力等,面试将使你整个的书面申请工作上,更具个性包装,增加审核委员对你个人的印象,列举以下面试常问的问题供面试学生参考。 面试回答应尽量详细、具体,不要抽象化或简单应付

  (一) 问答实例

  ◆ 问:Tell me a little about yourself

  I am interested in this university because of your sports program and because of the English opportunities.

  ◆ 问:How is this past year been for you

  Ex1. Its gone fairly well academically. I like the courses a lot. Im doing well, and Ive had a good time with them.

  Ex2. Well, Id have to say this has been my most successful year this far. I am especially looking forward to my senior year because I was selected editor-in-chief of our school newspaper, and my writing this year has got me a column in our school newspaper, so I guess this year has been successful.

  ◆ 问:I take it that you participate in sports at school Yes.

  ◆ 问:Which one Track.

  ◆ 问:At what level do you participate At the Varsity level.

  ◆ 问:And you say youre interested in the English program - can you tell me about your interest in English

  Ex1. Well, Ive always enjoyed reading and writing, and Ive heard that this school has a good writing program.

  Yes, its known for its writing program. Are you interested in creative writing or expository writing

  No, I havent.

  Have you brought any samples of your work with you No, I havent.

  Ex 2. Im especially interested in your English Department. Ive always enjoyed reading and writing, and Ive heard that you have a good writing program. Ive brought a few samples of my writing in case youd like to see them.

  ◆ 问:Give me three adjectives to describe yourself

  I feel that Im a dynamic person and a very enthusiastic person. I also tend to be more introverted that extroverted.

  ◆ 问:Sounds like a bit of a contradiction. Can you explain this

  Well, Ill try. I tend to keep my feelings inside of me and I dont like telling other people what Im thinking and feeling. On the other hand, if someone confronts me, then I will definitely tell them.

  ◆ 问:Can you tell me about a book youve read

  Yes, a book called The Matarese, a book about espionage by Robert Ludlum. It gave me an idea of the underlife of our government. I dont know how much was true or how was fiction, but it had an impact on me.

  ◆ 问:Regardless, it made you think about some of the issues of government, right Can you tell me about some of those issues

  The secrecy behind a government that seems to be open. And things you couldnt think about, like in the news, small items, such as wars, that just sort of fade out of the way, because of the government doesnt want you to know about them.

  ◆问:Has this book made you more sensitive to the news

  I find I take a greater interest in the daily lives of other people and other nations. ◆问:Is there anything thats happened recently that youve picked up and has caught your interest, wondered about that you might not have otherwise

  Yes, the war in the Falkland Island, and uprisings in South America.

  ◆问:Any particular aspect of it - a new story you caught, a detail or a fact that may have passed unnoticed - that you caught this time

  Yes, the use of propaganda by the two governments, Argentina and Great Britain. Each has a different story for the same event, such as the sinking of a British ship. The Argentines said they had sunk it, and the British wouldnt admit it until a couple of days later.

  ◆问:Tell me, in your opinion what is the most serious problem facing the world today

  Id probably say the most serious problem facing the world today has got to be the nuclear arms race.

  ◆问:What would you do about it to lessen the threat

  Its obvious that we cant go on like this. The money could be used in much better ways, and the only thing we could probably do is to get know, another SALT III or something to that effect, to try to contain the building of new nuclear arms.

  ◆问:I see by your transcript that youve done very well in most of your courses. Science seems to be an area in which you dont do as well. Can you tell me why

  Im really into science. I like the subject and I like the idea of messing around in the labs, seeing what blows up, what isnt - I just dont seems to be able to grasp the material as quickly as some others in the honors class. Ive put in a lot of work and Im not getting the results Id like to although I really like the subject. If I were in an average level course, Id probably do a lot better.

  ◆问:How did you a C student in science, get placed in an honors level course Well, last year I had a B in biology, and they automatically moved everybody with B or better into honors chemistry. I though I could do equally well, but biology and chemistry are different.

  ◆问:But you havent dropped your chemistry, even though youre not doing well in it No, I like the course, and even though my test scores say otherwise, I know Im getting a lot out of it.

  (二) 面试者亦可主动发问,下列仅供参考,另可自行发挥。

  1. How difficult is it for a(n) (English/Biology) major to register for courses in (computer science/studio art)

  2. What are the particular strengths of this college

  3. I am interested in _________. What are my chances of participating here 4. Am I eligible, or appropriate, candidate for admission

  5. How would you describe the social life in __________ (Name of school) 6. What is the work load like

  7. Is there a typical student here If so, how would you describe him or her 8. Does this school strike you as having a particular personality or atmosphere

  (三) 面试原则

  1. 切记:微笑,等面试者伸出手才握手,牢记面试者的姓名,并在谈话中不忘使用。热心回答,且诚恳,表明面谈的愉快心得,不忘面试後投寄一封感谢卡。

  2. 切勿:迟到,抽烟,吃口香糖,未请坐即先行坐下,勿因等待而表示不耐烦。

(四) 面试重点




  4.带作品前往。 5.不要答以yeah, mm



